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Captura de Tela 2021-11-30 às 17.43_edited.jpg

Das Avós: Rosana Paulino e a apropriação fotográfica dos arquivos da escravidão

São Paulo, 2021

Paper presented at the 41st Brazilian Committee of Art History (CBHA) Colloquium

Captura de Tela 2021-11-19 às 11.09_edited.jpg

Sobras de uma vida ou de uma obra? Geraldo de Barros e seu derradeiro autorretrato

São Paulo, 2021

Paper presented at The Lives of Artists in the Globalized World International Conference, organized by the Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of São Paulo (IEA-USP), the School of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Sao Paulo (FAU-USP), the École du Louvre, and the Deutsches Forum Für Kunstgeschichte

Captura de Tela 2021-09-19 às 23.10_edited.jpg

The Multisensory, Affective and Embodied Performances of 19th Century Appropriated Photographs in Rosana Paulino's Installation.

Essen, 2021

Paper presented at Photography Network's First Symposium - The Material and the Virtual in Photographic Histories, organized by the Photography Network.

Captura de Tela 2021-06-29 às 22.42_edited.jpg

Deslocamento, justaposição e suspensão: considerações iniciais acerca da apropriação na poética de Rosana Paulino.

Brasília, 2021

Paper presented at the 4th International Colloquium of Aesthetics in the Center IV: Aesthetics of Travels, organized by the University of Brasília (UNB) and the Federal University of Góias (UFG)


Série "Sobras" de Geraldo de Barros: criação em tempos de recolhimento 

Rio de Janeiro, 2020

Outreach presentation created for the Sesc Cultura ConVIDA! Festival, organized by the Sesc Brasil


Poema "A to Z" de Geraldo de Barros: um diálogo com os readymades retificados de Marcel Duchamp

Goiânia, 2020

Paper presented at the 29th National Meeting of the National Association of Plastic Arts Researchers, organized by the Federal University of Goiás (UFG)


Desvendando o processo de criação do autorretrato mais emblemático de Geraldo de Barros

Vitória, 2020

Paper presented at the 10th Ibero-American Seminar on Creative Processes in Art - Artistic Production in Pandemic Times, organized by the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES)


Pesquisar, Selecionar, Manipular, Arranjar e Exibir: apropriação na poética de Rosana Paulino.

São Paulo, 2020

Paper presented at the 1st Women in Science Meeting, organized by the University of São Paulo Graduate Studies Council (CoPGr-USP)

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