Senac São Paulo
Senac São Paulo
‘The Nameless and the Forgotten’: Rosana Paulino’s Assentamento Installation and the Subversive Appropriation of the Photographic Archive of Brazilian Slavery
Boston, USA, 2022
Publicity material for the lecture presented at the Symposium on African-American Art History: Present Coordinates, organized by Boston University
Apropriação fotográfica e fabulação crítica: as estratégias poéticas de Rosana Paulino e Saidiya Hartman
São Paulo, 2022
Peer-Reviewed Paper, Proceedings of the 12th Aesthetics and Art History International Congress, organized by the University of São Paulo Aesthetics and Art History Graduate Program (PGEHA-USP)
Rosana Paulino’s Assentamento Mixed-Media Installation and the Subversive Appropriation of Brazilian Slavery’s Photographic Archives
Marburg, Germany, 2022
Extended abstract published in the proceedings of the Studientage für Fotografie: Medienbeziehungen der Fotografie, organized by the Bildarchiv Foto Marburg, at the Philipps-Universität Marburg
Do global para o local: apontamentos contextuais sobre a apropriação de fotografias do século 19 na obra de Rosana Paulino.
Niterói, 2022
Peer-Reviewed Paper, Proceedings of the 4th International Seminar Brazil in the 19th Century, organized by the Brazilian Society of 19th Century Studies (SEO) and the Federal Fluminense University (UFF) in 2021
O processo é a obra: alguns apontamentos sobre a série "Sobras" de Geraldo de Barros
São Paulo, 2020
Peer-Reviewed Article, Manuscrítica - Journal of Genetic Criticism, n. 42. São Paulo: Association of Researchers in Genetic Criticism (APCG) and the University of São Paulo Graduate Program in Foreign Languages and Translation (PPG-LETRA-USP), 2020